Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

Your puppy will be flown from our nearest airport via America, United, or Continental Airlines’ Pet-Safe program directly to your nearest airport. He or she will travel in a climate-controlled cabin designed for pets, safely secured in an airline-approved carrier. Before shipping, you’ll receive a flight number, arrival time, and a reference number to identify your puppy. We handle all the arrangements, and you’ll simply pick up your puppy at the airport, just like you would for a person. You’ll need to provide the reference or air bill number.

Shipping is safe and stress-free for your puppy. Typically, your puppy will arrive within 5-6 hours on the same day, depending on your location. After more than 14 years of experience, I can assure you that flying is just as safe for puppies as it is for humans. Whenever possible, I strive to arrange direct, non-stop flights for the comfort of the puppies, and new owners often tell me their pups arrive happy and relaxed.

We use airlines for shipping because it’s the fastest and safest method, especially for long distances or out-of-state deliveries. Our puppies are transported in airline-approved plastic kennels, customized based on the puppy’s weight and the journey’s duration. They travel in a climate-controlled and pressurized compartment, separate from passenger luggage.

Our shipping crates are clearly labeled with bright “LIVE ANIMALS” and “UP” stickers, along with the destination airport, confirmation number, and customer contact information. Before shipping, we play with the puppies in their crates to help them feel comfortable. We also provide plenty of food and water to ensure they stay nourished and hydrated during transit. This preparation helps ensure their well-being, even in the unlikely event of a delay.

We carefully monitor weather conditions at the destination and will only ship when it’s safe for your puppy. The health and safety of our puppies are our top priority, and we won’t ship if we have concerns about adverse weather. Shipping typically occurs from Monday to Sunday, and we guarantee your puppy will arrive safe and healthy. While your new puppy may take a day or two to adjust to their new home, most owners report that they step right out of the crate and feel at home.

Nanny Shipping

For an even more personal touch, we offer direct delivery of your new puppy into your arms! Our trusted Airline Nannies will accompany your puppy on the flight, ensuring they receive the attention and care they need during travel. This is the safest, most reliable, and least stressful way for your new puppy to arrive at your home. We want the best possible experience for both you and your new furry friend!

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